Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where's Home? Contest

Taking off on Anthony McCune's View from Your Window , Virtual Tea House is hosting a contest or exercise, for you non-competitive types, about where's home? (Thanks, Tony, for the idea!)

This is probably not a simple exercise. This is not necessarily about your house, although for many of us, it is.

It is about a sense of place or 'site fidelity', and a feeling of safety or comfort. It can be a wild and harsh place, like the edge of a desert canyon, or a more yielding place like a mountain meadow or stream. Or it can be people-related, like your grandmother's garden, your sewing room or your father's workshop.

Tell us about your sacred space called home: physical, emotional, spiritual, or a place in your memory. The winning entries will be sent a packet of heirloom, hand-selected wildflower seeds that I will locate, just to fit the environment where you live or where you call home.

Winning entries will be short: 750 words or less. They will give the readers the feeling of you at your core place--centered, expansive, safe and joyful! Pictures will be extra credit and gladly accepted!

My favorite entry (or entries) will be posted on the Virtual Tea House by the end of June, 2008.

Send your entries to: Make sure to include a way to get in touch with you--email, phone or physical address.

To get you started, here's some pictures from a part of my feeling of home:

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